I am Eric Lee, an AI research scientist at Intel. Before that, I was (briefly) at SigOpt and moved to Intel after we were acquired in 2020. I also have worked at Amazon Applied Sciences and Cray Research. I got my bachelors at UC Berkeley in applied mathematics in 2015, graduating magna cum laude. I then received my masters and Ph.D. at Cornell University in computer science in 2020.

I'm broadly interested in Bayesian optimization and decision-making under uncertainty. I'm most interested in discovery problems (e.g., materials design), where data is sparse and/or expensive to obtain and where these sorts of methods could be enormously useful. I also apply these ideas to automatic machine learning (AutoML) and developed Mulch, AutoML system for tabular data.

Besides working on search and optimization problems, I am experienced with deep learning (graph neural networks and computer vision primarily), building production ML systems, and working on open source code.

In my free time I enjoy tennis, jogging, bicycling, and the Golden State Warriors. I live in Berkeley, CA and bike around the hills when the weather is good.